Finally the big day is here, by that I mean July 2, 2019, the day of the Total Solar Eclipse. Naturally I couldn’t sleep. So much time and energy was put into planning and actualizing this trip and with the current weather report it’s hard not to have a little anxiety given the circumstances. On the bright side we are in one of the most beautiful and cultured cities in all of the world, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and here I am with one of the most beautiful and cultured woman in the world, Hannah (Buenos my little Aries) :-*

What does a 5,500 miles journey away from home, the sun, moon, and earth have to do with Bitcoin you might ask…and to that I reply EVERYTHING.
This journey really started in November of 2018…hmmm actually scratch that who am I kidding, this journey started on August 21, 2017 at 1:23pm CST just moments after totality during the Great American Eclipse. In that moment I was a goner, totality hooked. Immediately I began looking into the future to see when the next total solar eclipse was and how could I take part.

So here we are the morning of July 2, 2019 3am in Buenos Aires and I’m up ironing every article of clothing I have, listening to Erykah Badu’s Spotify station (apparently Pandora is blocked in Argentina), and of course I’m checking the bitcoin daily chart candles on trading view.
At the time I hadn’t exactly connected the dots, but looking back I can say I officially started making moves in bitcoin around the same time as the Total Solar Eclipse that took place Aug 21, 2017. Although I had known about Bitcoin for some time prior in my mind Bitcoin and The “Great American Eclipse” will forever be linked together.
Enough… enough rambling already, so HOW EXACTLY IS THIS THE BITCOIN ECLIPSE?
First off when I did some research into the keywords Bitcoin Eclipse it brought up search results that alluded to attempting to hack bitcoins blockchain (good luck with that one lol). So as far as I’m concerned my Bitcoin Eclipse was clearly the real one haha.

Simply put this was “The Bitcoin Eclipse” because of the fact that the collaborative bitcoin pool mining efforts has allowed the facilitation of this entire trip. Flights, Accomodations, etc. the whole shebang.

Mining is the process through which Bitcoins are created so to be involved in mining is kind of a big deal. A few years ago people were charging 10BTC just to help set up a mining operation, this was when Bitcoin was a lot less expensive and had a fraction of the hashrate and difficulty it has now but it does shine light on mining’s importance in securing the Bitcoin network. Here’s a fun fact, Hannah actually built the our first mining rig from scratch! She said she only charges 5 BTC, I told her to bill me lol.

There are plenty of bitcoin naysayers but bitcoin has enlivened my life in so many ways its hard to pin point them all. One thing I can say for sure is the likelihood of this trip taking place without bitcoin would have been significantly more difficult (and it was difficult enough in the first place).

Another very fitting addition to the trip was an experience Hannah found a man named Jeronimo who was offering a Bitcoin Tour July 3rd through Airbnb’s platform and the tour was literally the day after the eclipse. The tour consisted of a trip to the National Bank in Buenos Aires to learn about the history of their money, a stop at a local coffee shop to discuss some of the wonderful features of Bitcoin and finally a trip to a local merchants and crypto enthusiasts shop where one could buy some $BTC from the Bitcoin ATM if we so desired.

Although I was well versed in Bitcoin I was elated to meet someone halfway across the world who was equally (if not more) excited about Bitcoin. This 2.5 hour tour was one of the highlights of my entire trip. We even settled the fee for the tour in Bitcoin (which was a first for Jeronimo :-)). I had a fantastic time and I look forward to future communications with my Bitcoin brother from the South. How fitting is it that our trip was made possible because of Bitcoin and we completed it with a history lesson and tour involving Bitcoin, I love the cohesiveness of the universe.

There’s so much more on the horizon for my continued education and growth in this Bitcoin/Blockchain space and I look forward to bringing more content to those who are intrigued by the crypto industry and this cutting edge technology.
So here’s to the mighty BTC may you live long, stay strong and continue to prosper!

Thanks for reading and if you’re interested in knowing more about bitcoin here are a couple blogs we wrote some time ago that shine a little light on Bitcoin. If you are in the Capital Region of New York and you’d like to get together with other crypto enthusiasts to learn more about what Bitcoin and the likes may have in store for you feel free to join the Cap Region Bitcoin Meetup!!! (—–>HERE) I organized this group and I look forward to educating others about this new cutting edge technology that is already changing the world we live in. We will have a meet and greet event very soon.
The Bitcoin Eclipse was a success and now the question is will Bitcoin be able to help facilitate the next Eclipse trip in Dec 2020…time will tell. In the trading community we say “the trend is your friend to the end” and all signs point to the moon!

What do you think?