Basketball is a staple of our family and for good reason. The game of basketball has provided me with so many wonderful opportunities and learning experiences. One of the most important things this great game has shown me is the value of teamwork, dedication, and concentrated effort.

I’m almost ashamed to say that I have never been to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Which is a shame because it’s not even 2 hours away 🙁 . Our Trippy Tribe was determined to change that so this year we planned a trip to the Hall for Valentine’s Day. The love is real!

The Basketball Hall of Fame (henceforth The Hall) is in Springfield, Massachusetts where the game of basketball was born. Some of the games best players find Springfield as the final resting place for their greatness to be on display.

Our Trippy Tribe made our way through the museum and soaked up as much as we could about the game. We saw videos from former players and coaches about what it takes to be great. We got a chance to read about and even step in the shoes of some of the legends of the game.

The game of basketball has changed so much and to see this transformation up close is eye opening. From the peach basket hoops of the early days to the low top sneakers, high socks and tiny shorts of decades past, so much has changed. Basketball is universal, the game transcends all creed, national and color lines.

Walking around and seeing the history of the game up close and personal was a great experience. The boys may have been a little young for this portion of the Hall. I did notice them getting a little more restless with the reading and looking at the historical artifacts.

Maybe 13-18 would be an ideal age for this trip. The top level in particular was lost on them. It consisted of a circular walkway with a dedicated wall for the most recent inductees and memorabilia and info graphs on display of all the players already inducted. The games and the basketball court on the floors below were all the boys could think about, they couldn’t wait to get down there.

Luckily for us Hannah is a master planner and always coordinates our trips for off peak so we have a little more freedom to move around with the Tribe.
The Hall is open from 10am to 4pm and it’s a luxury to not be up against the clock and the crowd. Our Trippy Tribe was there from about 11-4 so if you are considering this trip i’d prepare to be there from basically open to close.
After asking the boys what their favorite thing was we got a range of answers like: the Steph Curry shrine, the virtual basketball game, hot shot games, rebound stations, and broadcasting booths, to name a few, we probably spent the majority of our time here on the 2nd level.

On the ground level was a full court basketball hoop, dunking stations with baskets of various heights and a collection of different styled baskets on the side of the wall to shoot on. We basically had the court to ourselves and we could shoot around and enjoy the game we love so much. Me and LaPharaoh even had some time to dominate mommy in a game of H-O-R-S-E real quick.

The Hall is a little on the pricey side for a museum, adult admissions is ((($25 and children 5-15 $15))) so plan accordingly. All in all we had a great time and hopefully we’ll be invited to be back one day in the future wink, wink 😉

We came and we left Our Trippy Tribe mark and now the boys know all roads lead to Springfield 🙂

Until next time peace!

What do you think?